Dr. Behnam Khoshandam

Fluid Mechanics I

Professional Interests and Publications
Projects Supervised
SUN Package
Lectured Courses
Unit Operation I
Unit Operation II
Fluid Mechanics I
Numerical Methods
MATLAB Workshop
Computer Programming (FORTRAN)
Mathematical Modeling
Multicomponent Separation
Advanced Combustion
Advanced Numerical Methods
Gas-Solid Reactions
Contact Me (Homeworks)

(3 Credits) 

Skylab space station

Term Offered: Second Semester
Fluid mechanics is a basic branch of science to study nature of fluid flow or fluids in static situations in different positions, through a pipe or on a submerged body. Without understanding it, understanding on heat and mass transfer is not possible. It plays the main section role of transport phenomena studies. This course is lectured for undergraduate students of chemical engineering and try to introduce and investigate different aspects of this beautiful branch of science to them.
1. Introduction to fluid mechanics
2. Fluid statics
3. Fluid in motion
4. Equations
5. Internal flows
6. External flows
7. Compressible flows
8. Applications: fluid transportation and metering
9. Applications: mixing and agitation
Reading Resources:
1. '  Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering', W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith, P. Harriott, Fourth edition, McGraw Hill, 1985, Capters 2-9
2. 'Fluid Mechanics', F. M. White, Fourth edition, McGraw Hill, 2001
3. 'An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena', G. Hauke, Springer, 2008
4. 'Fluid Mechanics', V. L. Streeter, Third edition, McGraw Hill, 1962
5. 'Mechanics of Fluids', B. Massey, Eighth edition, Taylor & Francis, 2006
6. 'Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics', R. Darby, Second edition, Marcel Dekker, 2001
7. 'Fluid Flow for Chemical Engineers', F. A. Holland, R. Bragg, Second edition, Arnold, 1995
Assessment Tools:
-Weekly homeworks
-Final examination
Grading Policy:
-Homeworks (10/100)
-Quizzes (40/100)
-Final examination (50/100)

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